Archive by Author


Recently, I was fortunate enough to experience a break from my own mind. A brief time “out of my own head” and into another place. A new, physical place. One that allows growth, experience, revitalization. It’s also called, “vacation”. Ahhh! What a wonderful word! Visiting a new language, country, or culture forces you to simply […]

Always Hungry

Always Hungry

I have an incredible appetite. I am pretty much always hungry. I don’t really know when it began but, alas, this is my reality. I also like to surround myself with people who share my overactive appetite. I find that I actually prefer people who like to obsess about food; oohing and aahing over every delicious […]

Full Personal Presence

Today on Mashable, it announces that Gawker founder, Nick Denton, “King of All Things Media”,  will be marrying his longtime partner and the couple is requiring all attendees to check their cell phones at the door. “You can tend to your virtual presence — and your Twitter or Instagram followers — the next day,” said Denton, adding he […]


Many times in my career I have had the pleasure of being referred to a new client by an existing contact who has changed companies. It is a wonderful thing to be referred to as an asset and “brought along”.  Gaining a new client but having the familiarity and established working relationship of a previous […]


Few things bring more joy than the sun. And after this loonnnnnnnng winter, it seems that we are all ready for a huge dose of it. The sun brings happiness in the form of hope. Hope for growth. Hope for success. Hope for hope’s sake. Happy is more than a simple word that a small […]


One of the things that has been a question of mine is whether or not Social Media is a friend or foe of the corporate world. Does the existence of the corporate team allow for a closer connection to the audience or is it a place for disgruntled customers to simply vent to the larger […]