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Designed a logo for…..NASA!!!!!!

We know it’s not great to brag, buuuuut Design Five Seven was chosen to create a logo for Lynx— a high-energy flagship mission concept funded for study by NASA for consideration in the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey. Lynx will provide unprecedented X-ray vision into the otherwise “Invisible” Universe with unique power to directly observe the dawn […]

Ice, Ice, Baby Update!

Ice, Ice, Baby Update!

Here’s an exciting update to my post below: Three years ago, my Mother-in-Law passed away from ALS after a 14-year battle with the disease. Having provided flyers and some promotional help for the numerous ALS Walks we had participated in, the latest #IceBucketChallenge sweeping the nation was greeted with, well, mostly confusion. How did […]